"A Brilliant Plan" now available on INKITT.com

A Brilliant Plan Desk Alex Ames.jpg

Someone pointed me to the Midsummer Mystery Contest writing competition on the storyteller platform INKITT.com and suggested that I submitted my novel “A Brilliant Plan". And I did, of course. I had it previously published as sort of a test balloon on the story platform Wattpad.com with great success. I never had received so many comments, likes and suggestions than anywhere else. I had over 190.000 chapters read on Wattpad, that’s around 4000 readers! I love it.

If you haven’t read “A Brilliant Plan”, do so! One of my first full length novels in the crime mystery genre, it still holds up pretty well. Well, I must say that, as I am the author. But almost ten years and over ten full-length novels later, it still holds a special place in my heart. It was the first book that I wrote, which story-wise shaped up the way I wanted it. In earlier attempts on other stories, I felt that I lacked the voice and the intensity to make a story work over 300+ pages. “A Brilliant Plan” changed that.

It’s available on various platforms by now, if you fancy reading it on phone, tablet or PC. And, of course, in print, too. Just head over to my books page for the various links.