From the writer's desk... New Year, New Plans

I am not a backward looking person, so I won't check out the rearview mirror. 2016 is over and even though I had published a lot (Pieces of Trouble, Five for Forever, Troubleseeker and two large print editions of my German young adult novels Piratenjunge and Piratenkapitän), revenue-wise the plan is not where I want it to be. All in all—tax season coming up and I already prepared my author income statement. Revenues and costs are not in the black figures. Marketing myself and my books is still a hurdle. I could risk going public with my writer's identity and draw more sales through friends, colleagues and their respective networks. But I guess 2017 is not the time and place, yet. 


So, what's in store for 2017? As a side project I am working on a new set of "Pieces of Trouble", some more short stories from the Troubleshooter universe. I'll have to look at some magazines or eZines submissions that can generate interest in the series, so the Novellas are a good tool. Three of those stories are already in a good shape. One story centers around General McAllister, one story describes how Paul needs to handle a bunch of Kindergarden kids during a mission, and the third one follows Amy and Tom—Paul's underappreciated sidekicks—on a mission where they are without Paul's safety net.

Full time novels are some in the works, though I have not decided which one to finish. I have this high octane over the top science fiction horror teen military action drama that I would like to finish for two years now. As this one is a stand-alone story.

During the fall I had been writing on a new romantic comedy, though the tone is not there where I want it to be, yet. The setting are three girls who run a start-up from idea to go-public and their adventures with men on the way. I constantly find myself enjoying writing the business part of the book, neglecting the romantic part, and even worse, not getting a real grip on the comedy part. Dammit! 

Last but not least, I am considering another German story, this time a crime book. German for two reasons: the tone of the story I have in mind is a very German one: set in a small German village with eco-system and specific Bavarian cultural traits. Which I feel I can capture better in German language. The second reason is a private one. My mother has requested a German book, so that she can also read one more of my books. That is a strong argument. The story I have in mind is a bit more complex with a lot of players. Unfortunately for my mom, also with a lot of planned ugly violence. Working title is "Der Metzger"  / "The Butcher".

A third "Brilliant" book is also due. But with only two full size books per year, the schedule is already packed. Let's see. The good thing in all of this is that I have no schedule to keep, no contracts to fulfill. It's my making from A-Z. 

How I love that! Happy New Year to me...  And to all readers.