February - So Far

It’s past midnight. But I made it! The first song in my February song project is out and about. Listen in and enjoy. For time being, you can purchase So Far and the future rest of the February songs exclusively on BANDCAMP.

The timeline:

18:00: sit down to write song basics and initial lyrics, stop at 18:45 for dinner. True, 45 minutes, not too shabby, if I might say so.

20:30: continue the song. Redo the ending, structure the middle. Play with the capodaster of my guitar to find the right key, end up at A-major.

21:15: production start. A small ground track with my accoustic guitar and my vocals.

23:30 start mixing

0:00: done. My Mac is a little old, so it has problems rendering music with too many plugins. I give the mastering a very cheap shot, the vocal’s noise gate drives me crazy as it starts clipping off my vocals in the first verse. But 0:10 it’s done and I give it a listen. GEPO - good enough, proceed on.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you “So Far” the first song of my FEBRUARY song project. Song available on BANDCAMP.