It's Official: Someone Paid Money to Read Your Book

After about half a year, my Troubleshooter story collection "Pieces of Trouble" found it's first paying customer. That of course is special, though I bet it does not really increase my Amazon author rank much. 

What is also special is that the meta-publisher Pronoun send me an alert with some tips and tricks what to do now. E.g. just this, posting a blog post or twitter about the occasion. Done that. 

While I rode the train home today I thought about some follow up stories from the Troubleshooter universe, and actually came up with one story. Maybe I'll work on it during commute when I am sick of editing T3 (Troubleshooter Book 3). Working title is 'Boy Trouble' and it will pick up on a storyline that is mentioned in one sentence in the unreleased T3 book. Paul mentions to his (female) sidekick that he was in progress dating a neighborhood girl. 'Boy Trouble' will describe the building of the relationship with the plotline that there is a violent boyfriend of some sort in her background. Who of course will learn that Paul Trouble is not just a one handed accountant. One twist will see that Paul attempts to hide his 'persuasion' skills from his girlfriend. I probably will keep the story open ended, whether the girl finds out or not.

Together with a sort of "Paul Trouble, kindergarten cop" story, that's already two more novellas as the basic stock for a second novella collection. But that's probably two years out until I've penned those!

Hey, whoever bought the book: enjoy it.  And hey, whoever did not buy the book, yet, login to Amazon and start buying!!! Print or digital, I don't care as long as you buy!

I can start splurging now.

Pieces of Trouble - Cover Reveal

You saw the new cover with minuscle pixel count in my previous post. Here is the final cover for "Pieces of Trouble", my upcoming novella collection from the Troubleshooter universe.

I wanted to keep the boxy, slightly outdated, retro-looking cover design of TROUBLESHOOTER, just update it with some more colors to support the diverse story backgrounds.