February - Stripe

One Day One Song Challenge kicks off with #15. Mondays I need something less challenging. Came up with this one and I find it came out well.

One more of those songs where I went into the basement at 9:00 p.m. without any preconception of what I wanted to achieve today. Only that I wanted to create something less production heavy. Guitar capodaster to 5th fret to bring good resonance in instrument and vocals. Some strumming. Song taking shape from that one chord. The version of the song that came out eventually is a quiet one. But at the same time “Stripe” could be a shuffle rocker.

9:20 p.m. - Started recording. Tried first without a cue track, gave up. Ran the cue in three attempts to complete. Added the guitar track and the vocals.

10:00 p.m. - Basic song is done. Threw out the accoustic guitar in favor of my good old sampled guitar. Added piano and outro synth soundscape.

10:45 p.m. - Mixing and mastering started. Added only a limiter this time. Equalized longer than normal on the vocals to bring out a better me. Added stereo-width for the vocal with two 10 second reverbs.

10:55 p.m. - Bouncing.

23:00 p.m. - Song done.