Print is coming - "Troubleshooter" submitted to Createspace

Finished today the Createspace submission for books on demand. The processing will take a few days but then I have some nice Christmas gifts ready just in time.

The text body formatting was a breeze but the cover design was a little more difficult this time. Alignment was difficult because the book is some pages smaller than "A Brilliant Plan", about 250 pages. Plus the color management was completely missing (tell no one: my first two book covers were designed and published directly from Powerpoint).  So I got myself a Photoshop 30 day trial and started resigning. I copied over the elements from Powerpoint and whenever I was stuck. (A classic example: I want to center the author name on the front page and receive: "Could not use the move tool because the target channel is hidden." Doh?" But the result turned out to be fine. I think.